'Brothers' by Andrew Forster


'Brothers' by Andrew Forster

Notes on the poet:

  • Poem autobiographical 



  • Generally posititive connotations
  • Loving relationship - contrasted in poem
  • Possibly rivalry 
  • Platonic relationship 
  • Familial love
  • Links to 'Nettles' nicely 

Stanza 1:

Saddles with you for the afternoon, me and Paul

ambled across the threadbare field to the bus stop,

talking over Sheffield Wednesday's chances in the Cup

while you skipped beside us in your ridiculous tank top,

spouting six year old views on Rotherham United

  • 'Saddled' - metaphor for little brother being a burden, Andrew feels like horse, also a verb, negative
  • 'with you for the afternoon' - direct adress at little brother, foregrounds irritation at the commecement of poem
  • 'threadbare field'- worn out/ exposed, symbol of relationship of the brothers 
  • 'ridiculous tank top'- popular in 70's (autobiographical), adjective shows irritation, dissmissive, embarreresed, creates a scathing tone
  • 'skipped beside us' - verb 'skipped', irriatation at childish over enthusiasm 
  • 'spouting six year old views' - alliteration, harsh and abrasive (like views of little brother), verb spouting, dismissive, audacity to talk about football, ironic because it is voiced by a child 

Stanza 2:

Suddenly you froze, said you hadn't any


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