birmingham case study


Describe the CBD of Birmingham 

Commercial and industrial use only, tallest and oldest building unless redeveloped

Describe the inner city of Birmingham 

First time buyers, student accommodation, cheap for immigrants, a poorer area

Describe the suburbs of Birmingham 

Bigger space than the inner city, semi-detached houses, 3 bedrooms, small front and back gardens busy roads, small shops

Describe the rural-urban fringe of Birmingham 

Wealthier parts, usually detached 4+bedrooms, more expensive land, better facilities eg.schools, and shops, usually have big front and back gardens 

Describe how land use changes away from the CBD

Goes from industrial/commercial to residential areas, houses become more expensive and bigger the further you get from the CBD, building height gets lower because there is more space so they build outwards not upwards, buildings get newer the further away you get 

Suggest reasons to explain why the land use changes away from the CBD

People want to live further away from environmental issues eg.pollution so they buy houses in the rural-urban fringe, further away gets newer because it all started building in the middle around the church and it expanded outwards, the land is cheaper further out so more land to build houses on therefore the houses


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