Biology- Living Organisms

  • Created by: Sophina
  • Created on: 16-12-12 15:09

Variety of Living Organism

v Plants- are multicellular, they carry out photosynthesis using carbon dioxide and water to make sugar and oxygen. They capture energy from the Sun using chlorophyll in their chloroplasts. They store carbohydrates as starch. Plants walls are made of cellulose. There are flowering plants like cereals and grasses as well as peas and sunflowers. There are simpler non-flowering plants like mosses and ferns


v Animals – there are a huge variety of animals. They are all multicellular organisms which can’t carry out photosynthesis as they never contain chlorophyll. They eat other organisms to get their energy. Animals’ cells don’t have cell wall. Most animals have a form of nervous system for coordination. They move their whole bodies about. The carbohydrate stored in animals is glycogen.


v Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone. They include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. All other animals are invertebrates, they don’t have a backbone, they include sponges molluscs, worms, starfish, insects and crustaceans                                         .

v  Fungi- organisms that feed off other organisms. They are saprophytes or parasites. Some


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