Biology - Unit 1 - Cells



(make a temporary slide and use a light microscope to examine, draw and identify the structures of a typical plant and animal cell and produce labelled biological drawings (Practical 1.1);

(explain how greater resolution of electron microscopes has increased our understanding of cell structures;)

1) Draw and label a microscope. (5 labels)

2) What are the functions of:

- objective lens

- stage

- focusing knob

- light source

3) Draw a biological drawing of a plant cell.

Size and magnification

(determine the size of biological specimens by: • estimation; measurement in SI units (metre, millimetre, micrometre); calculation using the equation: magnification = size of image ÷ size of real object using a scale bar.)

Animal Cells

(demonstrate knowledge of the structure and function of animal cells, including nucleus and chromosomes, cytoplasm, mitochondria as the site of cell respiration, and cell and nuclear membranes;)

1) Draw and label an animal cell. (6 labels)

2) What is the function of:

- cell membrane

- cytoplasm

- nucleus

- mitochondria

3) Why do muscle cells have lots of mitochondria in their cytoplasm?

Plant Cells

(demonstrate knowledge that plant cells can have additional structures not found in animal cells: cellulose cell wall, large permanent vacuole and chloroplasts;)

1) Draw and label a plant cell.


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