Biology - B1 Notes

  • Created by: abbiedye
  • Created on: 24-06-18 11:35

Cells and Microscopy

  • Animal and plant cells both have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria and ribosomes
  • Plant cells have a cell wall, permanent vacuole and chloroplasts and animal cells don't
  • Animal cells contain genetic material in the nucleus and bacteria cells have genetic material in rings of DNA called plasmids or float freely in the cytoplasm
  • Bacteria cells are prokaryotes
  • An electron microscope gives a higher resolution

Differentiation and Division

  • Cell differentiation is the process by which cells change to become specialised. As cells change, they develop different subcellular structures
  • A sperm cell is adapted for swimming to an egg cell in three ways: it has a long-tail and streamlined head to swim, mitochondria for energy and enzymes to digest through an egg cell membrane
  • Nerve Cell - carry electrical signals (they have long branched connections to cover the distance  in the body and to form a network)
  • Chromosomes are found in a nucleus. They contain genetic


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