Biodiversity, Sampling & MEasuring biodiversity OCR AS unit 2 Biology

  • Created by: Alex
  • Created on: 25-05-11 14:07

Species: Is a group of individual organisms very similar in appearance, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and genetics, whose members are able to interbreed freely to produce fertile offspring

Habitat: is the place where an organism lives
Often what an organism adapts to

Biodiversity: is the variety of life - the range of living organisms to be found

measureing the biodiversity of a habitat by observing and identifiying

Random sampling: means studying a small part of the habitat and assuming it contains a representative set of species that can be applied to the whole habitat. the sites must be chosen at random

Sampling for plants
Using random quadrats
Quadrat: a square frame used to define the size of the sample area
Place the quadrat randomlly i the habitat and imagine the area as a large grid and  identify and measure abundence of the plants found within the frame

Using a Transect
Transect: A line taken across the habitat. You stretch a tape across the habitat and take samples along the line
Redorc the plants at intervals touching the line.
Or it can be used to positiion the Quadrant

Sampling animals

animals move and attempts to observe the animals in the habitat will disturb it
Large animals




what are the limitations when measuing plants?



what are the limitations when measuing plants?

Emily Hamlin


Very useful

Emily Hamlin


Very useful