
  • Created by: evaabarry
  • Created on: 22-03-22 07:34


-> variety of ecosystems, habitats, species and genotypes that exist in an area. 

-> The genetic variation within species.

-> variation un ecosystem/habitat.

->total number of species known & their relative abundance. 

Ecosystem: interacting system of all the living and non-living things in a defined area. 

Niche: the role of a species in an ecosystem. 

Species: group of organisms with similar charateristics that can potentially interbreed & produce fertile offspring. 

Habitat: particular location & type of natural environment occupied by a population. 

Population: number of individuals of the same species that live in a specific place, time & which share the same gene pool. 

Community: all of the populations of all the different species living in a specific area at a specific time. 


->  Classify organisms according to how closely they are related to one another by looking at their physiology, anatomy and biochemistry. 

Taxonomic System = system used for classification. 

- involves placing organisms in a series of taxonomic units that form a hierarchy. 

Domain = largest unit  

- 3 Domains : Archea , Bacteria & Eukarya

Autotrophic: Make own nutrients/ photosynthesise 

Heterotrophic: Take nutrients by feeding on other organisms (mosly decaying matter) 

EXTREMOPHILES - Extreme conditions

Halophiles: Lives in extremely salty conditions - Bacteria 

Alkalinophiles: Favour PH more than 7

Acidophiles: Favour PH lower than 7 

Thermophiles: Heat loving conditions 

Cryophiles: Cold loving conditions 



1) Kingdom Protocista 

- Eukaryotic cells 

- Mostly exist as single cells 

- Some group of similar cells

2) Kingdom Fungi

- Eukaryotic cells surrounded by cell wall 

- Cell wall not made of cellulose 

- Never have chloroplasts

- Non- motile 

3) Kingdom Plantae 

- Plants 

- Eukaryotic cells surrounded by cellulose cell walls


- Feed by photosynthesis 

- Non- motile 

- Autrophic 

-Nucleus contains chromosomes & DNA and bound with histone proteins. 

- 80S ribosome (70S in mitochondria & chloroplast)

4) Kingdom Animalia 

- Animals 

- Eukaryotic cells with no cell walls 

- Motile 

- Heterotrophic

- Multi-Cellular 

- Nucleus contain chromosomes & DNA bound with histone proteins

- 80S ribosomes (70S in mitochondria) 

- Some cells have cilia (ciliated epithelium) &


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