Behavioural approach

  • Created by: parris
  • Created on: 02-06-14 13:26


-Most behaviour is learned 

- Learning takes place as result of rewards ( reinforcement) 

- People repeat behaviour if it leads to a reward of some kind. 

- Skinner was only concerned with peoples behaviour , he was not interested in what was going on inside their head. 

Describing behaviour: 

- Behaviourists don't use words like 'aggressive' or 'disruptive'. 

- If behaviour is being decribed , they will want to know what it means such as what the behaviour refers to e.g. if a child is described as aggressive then they will ask 'when is he being aggressive' 

Positive and negative reinforcement: 

If behaviour is reinforced it is more likely to be repated. Reinforcement takes two forms: 

1) Postive reinforcement: occurs when something pleasent happens. This might be a food or drink reward or a social reward like praise. 

2) Punishment: is different from negative reinforcement , this is when something unpleasent starts happening. Behavioursts do not use this to change behaviour , they work instead through rewards. 

Vicarious reinforcement: the idea that if we see someone else being rewared for doing something we are likely to imitate their behaviour. 

Using reinforcement to change behaviour: 

- The behavioural approach works by someone looking for the behaviour they want to see and when it happens reinforcing it. e.g. the first time a baby uses the potty , the parents provide lots of praise and attention. This ensures…


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