Becket Timeline

  • Created by: edtc
  • Created on: 22-02-19 16:54


Feb- HII reissues the decrees of the Council of Lillebonne (1080)

May- Becket's election as Archbishop of Canterbury confirmed by bishops

Jun- Becket officially installed as Archbishop

Aug- Pallium of office recieved from Pope

Autumn- Becket resigns as Chancellor and returns the Great Seal


Jul- Council of Woodstock - dispute over sheriff's aid, HII humiliated.

Summer- Increasing no. of criminous clerk cases, eg. Philip de Broi. William of Eynsford excommunicated. 

Oct- Council of Westminister - Becket stripped of honours and Young Henry is removed from his household.

Winter- HII seeks legateship for Roger of York and gives support to Gilbert Foliot and Clarembald.


Jan- Council of Clarendon - Becket reluctantly accepts the Constitutions of Clarendon, subject to papal approval. 

Aug- Becket refused access to HII at Woodstock. Unsuccessful attempt to flee England for papal support.

Oct- Becket summoned to stand trial at Council of Northampton. Rejects charges of embezzlement + flees under papal…


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