Basic Motion

  • A scalar quantity is a quantity containing only the magnitude but no direction. Examples include speed or distance.
  • A vector quantity is a quantity that takes into account both direction and magnitude. Examples include velocity or displacement.

Distance-Time graph

The image below shows a distance-time graph :

Image result for distance-time graph

  • At A and B, The car is going at a constant speed as they are straight, diagonal lines. We can see this because there is a constant change in distance per time.
  • At C, the car is at rest for 5 seconds as it is a straight horizontal line. We can see this because there is no change in distance.
  • At D, the car is going back to its starting point as there is a negative change in distance.

The slope of a line at any point on a distance-time graph is the speed of the object. The steeper the line, the faster the object is moving.

So, the Speed (m/s) = Distance (m) / Time (s)

The Speed at A = Distance (m/s) / Time (s) = 15m…


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