Bandura (1961)

  • Created by: Fiza.k
  • Created on: 02-05-19 11:29
  • ·        Lab experiment
  • ·        Developed social learning theory.
  • ·        Children learn through watching other people either directly or watching people through media e.g. role models.
  • ·        Children choose models through identification people who are similar to themselves or who they look up to.
  • ·        We learn from what we see

Vicarious learning: observing another person being rewarded for behaviour we are more likely to copy it. Punished = less likely to copy it.

Aggression-behaviour aimed at harming others.

Hormones-chemicals released by our endocrine system that affect how our bodies function and how we behave.

Chromosomes- the parts of each cell that carry the genetic information from our parents.

Biological explanation:

Limbic-the part of the brain that causes aggressive behaviour.

Prefrontal cortex-the


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