B2.6 Hormones and the control of Plant Growth Part 1

  • Created by: JGMC26
  • Created on: 27-04-16 17:05

This is a fill in the Gaps activity. The answers will be in the second section of revision notes on this topic and will be in bold.These can be used a revision activity. Please attempt the gaps before looking at the answers. Please use the words that are listed underneath the activity. The words may not be used in the whole of the notes or may be used a few times when this is the case they will be duplicates of the word so that it can get crossed off whenever it is used..These will not be in order so dont fill them in as the correct answer.

How do plants respond to their environment?

Plants are .............. to their environment and can .............to it. For plant roots to grow downwards they must grow towards .............which directs it towards the ............. and minerals that the roots need to absorb. For plant shoots to grow upwards they must grow towards the ........... and against the force of .............  .This allows…


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