

the earth's atmosphere is made up of 78 percent of nitrogen 21 percent
of oxygen and one percent of argon
it also contains a tiny amount of water vapour 
and carbon dioxide. The types of fossil 
fuels are coal oil and gas. they were
formed from the remains of living 
organisms. The harm of carbon monoxide is that it is actually a poisonous gas which can most likely damage breathing and could also lead up to killing you. The harm of carbon dioxide is that it causes global warming and this is bad for the environment. the harm of sulphur dioxide is that it can cause acid rain which can cause damage to buildings and can kill animals and tree and other plants.
The atmosphere of early earth was made up of carbon dioxide and water vapour being produced from the volcanoes when the earth had cooled the carbon dioxide dissolved into the oceans and began to form sedimentary rocks a lot of carbon dioxide was left underground too so this formed fossil fuels.

A combustion reaction is when a chemical reacts with oxygen and releases energy, fossil fuels are produced by people driving their cars, power stations releasing fossil fuels this is to make electricity. Particulates are very small pieces of solid that are released into the air during an incomplete combustion. They coat walls and make them dirty because they stick to other solids. 

Chromosomes are found in the nucleus and are found in long strands of DNA this has a gene section code which is called a gene this is what controls your chracteristics

Female chromosomes are **
Male chromosomes are xy 

Each gene comes


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