Augustinian type theodicy

  • Created by: gemshort
  • Created on: 30-01-18 13:49

Evil as a consequence of sin
According to Augustinian type theodicy, God's creation was originally free from evil - evil came into existence when angels, followed by humans, misused their free will and turned from God.

God created all things ex nihilo (out of nothing) and they will all eventually lapse back into nothngness. Humans and angels are both part of the created order and are susceptible to change - therefore, they have the capability of turning from God. It is precisely this 'turning' (choosing a lower rather than higher good) that brings about evil. As the gift of free will necessarily entails the concept of moral responsibility, it is humans that are responsible for sin and evil, not God.

Evil as a privation
Evil is not in any way a 'substance' or a part of the created order - it is not something that God creates. Because God is omnibenevolent, he cannot have created evil as a substance; instead, evil indicates a privation (absence) of part of God's created order. For example, when humans


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