Attributes of God


attributes of god 

Omnipotence is the idea that God can do anything

God can do anythhng, including the logically impossible

-The idea that God can do the logically impossible means that God can make a square circle or make 2+2=5. 

-As all logic comes from God, God can change logic or suspend it for a time 

-desacrtes: if omnipotence does not mean god can do absoulety anything how could he perform miracles or save the world through jesus? (limited reason)

-anslem:omnipotence means that god has unlimited power and so god could eve have the power to lie (but wont because of his benevolence)

  • This view may make god an arbitary figure( random) becomes unpredictable.
  • Thia might make some question why god does not change the laws so that we dont do evil.
  • The bible says that god cannot lie

god can only do the logically possible


  • God can only do what is possible and which does not lead to a contridction and thus cannot create a sqaure circle because that does not exsit.
  • His view was that logical possiblility means that god can only do what a perfect god can do (cannot sin)
  • It cannot be right to say god could sin because that is not part of his logical…


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