Attachment- Schaffer and Emerson

  • Created by: DonaJ2002
  • Created on: 15-12-18 23:01

Schaffer and Emerson proposed the stages of attachment after their Glasgow study 60 babies (31 Males and 29 Females).

Stages of attachment show how the characteristics of infants change as they get older.

A: Investigate which age early attachment forms, how emotionally intensed they are and to whom they attach to.

P: 60 babies (31 males+ 29 females) from skilled working class families from Glasgow and mothers were visited at home every month in the 1st year and again at 18 months. Mothers were asked about how infants protested when they left them in 7 everyday separation situations (tests separation anxiety) and how they responded to strangers (tests stranger anxiety). These tests are measures of attachment.

F: 25-32 weeks: 50% showed separation anxiety towards a specific attachment figure (ususally the mother). Attached to the caregiver who was mostly interactive and skillfully responds to signals and facial expressions- not necessarily the person who spent the most time with the infant. 40 weeks- 80% had specific attachment and 30% had multiple attachments.

C: The stages of attachment:

1) Asocial- Infant recognises and forms bonds with caregiver; behaviour to inanimate objects and humans is similar. They show preference to familiar adults as they can comfort them quicker and easier and are happier with other humans.

2) Indiscriminate attachment- as they don't show preference to a specific attachment figure. 2-7 months babies display observable social behaviour, show preference to humans than inanimate objects and recognise and prefer familiar


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