Attachment: Cultural Variations- Van Ijzendoorn

  • Created by: Sin Heng
  • Created on: 10-03-21 10:30


Van Ijzendoorn

Meta-analysis of 200 individuals from 32 studies of the Strange Situation across 8 different countries.

Majority of infants (70%) securely attached. Lowest in China (50%), highest in UK (75%)

Germany had highest level of insecure-avoidant, but Germany sees this as independency. 

Japan was one amongst the highest level of insecure-resistant infants. Japanese mothers would keep their babies very close to them and were rarely seperated.


+ Supports Bowlby's monotropic theory- secure attachment to primary caregiver the most common thus there must be a biological drive for attachment with them. 

+ Meta-analysis contains…


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