Atoms ,Elements and Isotopes


-Everyhting is made up of atoms within atome you have protons,neutroms and electrons these are all subatomic particles.

-Protons ahve a relative charge of +1 and a relative mass of 1

-Netrons have a relative charge of 0 and  relative mass of 1

-Electrons have a relative harge of -1 and a rekative mass of 1/1800


Atoms have different numbers of protons , neutrons and electrons.Its the number of protons in the nucleus that decides what type of atom it is atom with one proton in its nucleus is hydrogen and an atom with two protons in its nucleus is helium.

If substances only contain one type of atom its an element the smallest part of an element is an atom

Elements in the periodic table can be represented by one or two letter symbols 

>e,g B=boron C=carbon Na=Sodium

There are about 100 different elements these can be everyday substances such


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