Topic one - Principle of chemistry


Solids, liquids and gases:

  • Solids have a fixed volume and shape
  • Liquids don't change volume but have no definite shape, tey take up the shap of the container they are in 
  • Gas has no fixed volume or shape, they spread to fill their container



When potassium managnate(VII) dissolves in water the water slowly all turns purple because of the random motion of particles in a liquid the purple colour eventually evenly spreads out.

Another experiment that can be used to show diffusion is bromine gas and air, you fill half a gas jar with bromine and half with air then when you remove the lids seperating the two gases then if you leave it for long enough , because of kinetic theory, the particles of bromine gas move around randomly (random motion) so both jars are filled with bromine.

Mixtures and compounds:

Mixture- Two or more substances that are combined without a chemical reaction soo can be seperated easily

Compound - When atoms join together in a chemical reaction , the compound has very different properties than the elements they derived from and they can only be seperated through another chemical reaction.

Distillation seperates a liquid and a solid, one example being seperating salt and water.

Fractional distillation seperates mixtures of liquids and relies on how liquids boil at different temperatures.

Filtration also serperates solids from liquids , the mixture passes through filter paper and the liquid goes through but the solid is left behind. 

Crystallisation , when a solid is dissolved in water , you can just evaporate the water so only the solid is left behind. 

Chromotography paper:

Chromotography can be used to seperate a mixture of solids that are soluble, it is often used on inks and dyes. To seperate the different dyes in an ink a spot of ink must be put at the bottom of the chromatogograhy paper , then make sure some of the paper , below the ink, is in water. As the water spreads throuought the paper the dyes are carried with the water and they begin to seperate , this is because different dyes have different solubilities and are carried at different speeds along the paper.

Atomic structure:

Atoms are made of smaller , sub-atmoic particles , the main three ones are protons, neutrons and electrons.

Because the protons in the nucleus have a positive charge and the neutrons have no charge the nucleus is postitivley charged , which keeps the elctrons orbiting it in their shells as they are negaticley chraged so they attract.



Isotopes are atoms which have the same number of protons as elctrons but have a different number of neutrons.                                                                                                …


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