AS Law Unit 1 - Intrinsic and Extrinsic Aids


Internal/Intrinsic Aids

Short title - The judge may use the short title of the act, e.g. the Street Offences Act. This gives them some direction as to what the Act concerns, but may be of little use.

Long title - The long title may be used, this sometimes explains Parliament's intentions i.e what they were trying to achieve e.g 'An act to prevent...'

Preamble - This is common in older statutes and EU Law, it can be used as it gives general guidance regarding the purpose of the act, including what it intended to cover, meaning it would be useful for Mischief/Purposive.

Headings and Interpretation Sections - Other useful intrinsic aids are heading within the act, other parts of the act, explanatory notes, schedules and interpretation sections, e.g. 'notice' shall mean in writing. However…


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