AS Law 02 Actus Reus


Explain using examples the meaning of the term actus reus (7marks)

Actus reus translates from latin to mean 'guilty act' 

  • to be criminally liable the act must be voluntary - shown in HILL v BAXTER involuntary acts could be a heart attack, being hit on the head etc. 

OMISSIONS - failure to act 

  • family relationship - Downes
  • assumed responsibility - Stone v Dobinson
  • Contract - Pittwood
  • Chain of events - Miller
  • Under official position - Dytham

need to prove…




You know for Actus reus you do not have to speak about causation?

Emma Brown


Ryan wrote:

You know for Actus reus you do not have to speak about causation?

well, even if that is the case, which I don't think it is, I'll include it anyway because its not that much is it. 



I have to agree with Ryan, I've never been told to mention causation during the actus reus.



In the Actus Reus I have never been told to mention Causation, only involuntary (Hill V Baxter) and the omissions