AQA A2 Psychology Unit 3 Eating Behaviour: Explanations For The Success Or Failure Of Dieting Notes


A2 Psychology Unit 3 Eating Behaviour: Explanation For The Success Or Failure Of Dieting Notes

What You Need To Know:

·  Explanations for the success or failure of dieting.

Explanations For The Success Or Failure Of Dieting

There are many reasons why people diet. Two important ones concern health (e.g., greater risks of type 2 diabetes when overweigh) and body dissatisfaction (e.g. due to stigmatisation and prejudice).


·  The potential success or failure of dieting needs to be viewed in the context of genetic predispositions.

·  Research suggests some people are genetically pre-disposed to being overweight (e.g., influencing things such as appetite regulation, metabolic rate, fat cell quantities etc.).

·  From twin and adoption studies, Stroebe (2000) estimates that heredity can account for between 40% and 70% of weight.

Individual differences in responses to portion size:

People who diet may be more prone to over-eating than people who do not diet. Herman et al (2005) suggest three reasons for this:

1. Distress

·  Dieters are


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