
WHAT HAPPENS (1090 - 1230)

- Tiresias tells Creon he can still alter fate and change the error of his ways. 

- Tells Creon he has come as he saw a fleet of birds attacking each other as they have eaten human flesh (symbolises corruption of natural order by Creon.)

- No fire would light also - Creon has gone against physis and the gods are angry.

- Tells him in summary that all men make mistakes, but he needs to make amends. 

- Shows Creon's hubris - he suggests Tiresias has been bribed with gold and silver (alike to paranoia shown by Oedipus.)

- Tiresias then tells Creon he will need to trade one of his own for killing Antigone and predicts the city will turn against him. 

- Creon now sees the fault he has made = decides to go and free Antigone = moment of ANAGORISIS occurs. (differs from Oedipus in that in that play the ANAGAORISIS AND PERIPETIA


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