Antibiotic Resistance (B6)

  • Created by: caits
  • Created on: 17-04-14 16:09

A mutation can occur in some drugs giving them resistance. Antibiotics can only kill bacteria that do not have this mutatuion so the bacteria with mutations survive. The surviving bacteria reproduce, passing on the resistant gene so eventually the whole bacterial population becomes resistant.


  • Doctors only prescribe antibiotics when necessary. They are not prescribed for viruses or minor illnesses
  • Patients are encouraged to complete the course so all microbes are killed before resistance can develop.

Useful Bacteria:

Yoghurt Making:

1. Milk added - milk is pasteurised by heating to 71.1 degrees for 15-20 seconds

2. Incubation - bacteria multiplies

3. Making the yoghurt - Lactobacillus bacteria breaks down milk and sugar into lactic acid which converts milk to yoghurt

4. Sampling - A sample is taken for quality control to add to the next batch

5. Bacteria added - Bacteria from previous sample is added (back to step 2)

Making Cheese:

Cheese is rich in protein, calcium and vitamins. It is made by causing milk to curdle which is achieved by a mix of rennet and bacteria such as lactobacillus

Making Vinegar:

It is produced by the acidification of wine…


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