Anselm - Proslogium 2


Anselm's argument is:

  • priori:
    • this type of argument is prior to and independent of sense experience
    • it is non-empirical in nature
    • it relies on logic
  • deductive:
    • this type of argument aims to give certain proof
    • if the premises are true, then the conclusion must be true
    • a set of premises is a set of propositions on which an argument is based or from which a conclusion might be drawn, e.g. if a=b and b=c then a=c

Analytic statements:

  • These are based on logic.
  • They are true by definition - for example, a bachelor is an unmarried male.

Subject and predicate:

  • The subject refers to who/what the sentence is about.
  • The predicate gives information about the subject.
  • Complete sentences contain these, e.g. 
    • The cat sat on the mat - 'the cat' is the subject, 'sat on the mat' is the predicate

Necessary truth relates to statements that could not


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