An Inspector Calls Quotes


An Inspector Calls Quotes

Mr Birling:

·        ‘Absolutely unsinkable’

·        ‘Working together- for higher costs and lower prices’

·        ‘Just a knighthood of course’

·        ‘It’s my duty to keep labour costs down’

·        ‘That wretched girl’

·        ‘Who here will suffer more than I will’

·        ‘I’d give thousands’

·        ‘Triumphantly’

·        ‘You’ll have a good laugh over it yet’

Mrs Birling:

·        ‘Arthur, you shouldn’t say such things’

·        ‘Girls of that class’

·        ‘Aldermand Meggarty! I must say, we are learning something tonight’

·        ‘A piece of gross impertinence’

·        ‘She was claiming elaborate fine feelings that were simply absurd for a girl in her position’

·        ‘I can’t believe it. I won’t believe




Good job including the change in the younger characters' attitudes from the start to the beginning, compared to the lack of change in the older characters correspondingly.



Yes, i think that will be a really important thing to consider when writing up the essays.