AN: Cognitive theory


Cognitive distortions - Faulty, biased and irrational ways of thinking that mean we perceive ourselves (body image), other people and the world inaccurately and usually negatively.

Errors in thinking that negatively affect perceptions of body image.  These distortions lead an individual to adopt strict, inflexible rules about eating, with any breaking of these rules leading to a sense of guilt and failure, thus lowering self-esteem and creating self-disgust, which leads to more severe anorexic behaviour.

Irrational beliefs - Also called dysfunctional thoughts, which interfere with a person’s happiness and lead to mental disorders such as depression and anorexia.  

Beck believed these give rise to automatic negative thoughts, e.g. if I don’t control my weight, I’m worthless.  Also catastrophising (worst case on unimportant events), e.g. I ate a biscuit today, I’ve got no willpower at all.

A key irrational belief is perfectionism, which is applied to


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