American Gov Exam 2 Definitions

  • Created by: Angel9119
  • Created on: 30-03-19 20:08

Agent of political socialization: a person that teaches others about politics through use of info. 

Bandwagon effect: increased media coverage of candidates who poll high. 

Bradley effect: difference between a poll result and an electio result in which voters gave a socially desirable result not a true responsive that may be perceived as racist. 

Classical liberalism: political ideology based individual libs and rights (free will, little role of gov)

Covert content: ideologicallt slanted info presented as unbiased in order to influence the public. 

Diffuse support: widespreased belief that a country and its legal system are legit. 

Exit poll: election poll taken by interviweing voters as they leave a polling place. 

Fascism: political system of total control by the ruling party or leader over the economy, militia etc. 

Favorability poll: public opinion poll that measures a public's positive feelings about a candidate. 

Heuristics: shortcuts or rules of thumb for decision making. 

Horserace coverage: day-to-day media coverage of candidate performance in the election. 

Margin of error: number that states how far the poll results may be from actual preferences. 

Modern conservatism: political ideology that prioritizes individual liberties, small gov out of the eco.

Modern liberalism: political ideology focused on eqality and gov intervention in society and the eco.

Overt content: political info whose author makes clear that only one side is presented. 

Push poll: politically biased campaing info presented as a poll in order to change minds. 

Straw poll: informal and unofficial election poll conducted with a non-random population. 

Theory of delegate presentation: assumes the politicain is in office to be the voice of the people.

Traditional conservatism: poltical ideology supporting the authority of monarchy and chuch in the belief that gov provices the rule of law. 

Ballot fatigue: result when a voter stops voting for offices at the bottom of a long ballot.

Caucus: form of candidate nomination that occurs in a town-hall style format rathen than a day-long election; usually only for presidential elections. 

Chronic minority: voters who belong to political parties not competitive in national elections because they are too small to become a majority or because of the Electoral college system.

Closed primary: election which only voters registered with a party may vote for their candidates.

Coattail effect: when a popular presidential candidate helps candidates in their paty win.

Delegates: party members who are chosen to repsent a particular candidate at conventions. 

District system: electoral votes are divided between candidates based on who wins districts. 

Early voting: accommodation that allows voting up to two weeks before election day. 

Electoral college: constitutionally created group chosen by the states with the responsibiltiy of formally selecting the next US president. 

Incumbency advantage: held by officeholders that allows them to often win reelection. 

Incumbent: current holder of a political office. 

Initative: law propsed by the voters and subject to review by the state courts; propositon. 

Midterm elections: congressional elections, occur in years between the election. 

Open primary: election in which any registered voter may vote in any party's primary or caucus.



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