The USA 1954-75

  • Created by: Jane Doe
  • Created on: 18-02-18 22:12

Brown v. Topeka

Linda Brown + 12 other parents went to court to fight for the right to go to the closest school. Lost the case. 

1952- NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People) took 5 desegregation cases to the Supreme Court. Argued that it broke the 14th Ammendment as segregated made black children feel inferior

Dec 1952- No ruling. Judges asked to hear more legal advice. Pro-segregation judge died- replaced with Earl Warren 

May 1954- Supreme Court ruled that schools had to desegregated. No timescale set.

Jul 1954- WCC (White Citizen Council) set up in the Deep South to prevent desegregation. Sacked black employhees who signed petitions or were involved in civil rights campaigns

May 1955- 2nd ruling. Desegregation carried out with 'all deliberate speed.'

Significance of Brown v. Topeka 

  • End of 1957 school year- 723 school districts had desegregated 
  • Black students and their families and teachers faced violence + hostility in desegregated schools 
  • Membership of KKK grew 
  • Awareness of civil rights increased

Little Rock Nine 

About 75 students applied to Little Rock High School- school board chose 25. Families of black students threatened. @ the start of the 1957 school year, only 9 willing to go.

Arkanas' governor, Faubus, sent 250 state troops to stop black students entering. School board told black students to skip the


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