affects lung function

  • Created by: Nayo
  • Created on: 24-05-10 22:35

How lung disease affects function

Pulmonary Tuberculosis – caused by bacteria


· Immune system cells build a wall around bacteria in lungs

· Forms a small hard lump known as tubercles

· Infected tissue within tubercles dies – gaseous exchange surface is damaged so tidal volume is decreased

· Fibrosis which further reduces the tidal volume.

· Bacteria can enter the bloodstream they can spread to other parts of the body.


· Include persisant cough, coughing up of blood and mucus, chest pains, shortness of breath and fatigue

· May have a fever

· Lose weight due to reduction in appetite


· Transmitted by droplet infection – infected person coughs or sneezes, tiny droplets of saliva and mucus containing the bacteria are released from their mouth hand nose. An uninfected person breathes in these droplets and bacteria are passed on

· Tuberculosis tends to be much more widespread in areas where hygiene levels are poor and where people live in crowded conditions

· Prevented with


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