

Defintions: Griffiths- Salience, withdrawal,conflict, relapse, mood modification and conflict.


Alcoholism:Habitual intake of alcohol, it needs to effect their phsicla and mental heath and or thei social and work life. This can be both physical and psychological dependdancy. Alcohol can be seen as a depressant as it lower levsl of anxiety.

Impulse control: A resit to carry out an impulse sucha s setting things on fire. Simmilary to alcoholism it mst effect their life. It has 5 stages: an impulse, a growing tension, pleasure when imulse is carried out, satisifcation from the pleasure adn fnally a lack of guil or feelings of guilt. This addiction is when suffers are mainly psychological deoendant not physically dependant as it is is all in the mind.

Physical dependancy:  When a suffer needs the addictive behaviour for heir body to fell normal and be able to function properly. They will often get withdrawal symptoms.

Psychological dependancy: It means that the suffer has a psychological need i,e euphoria or adrenaline.This is nto assocaited with withdrawal symptoms as it is all in the mind.


Genetic: Schuckit found that 40% of college men who had alcoholic fathers had a decreased sensivity for alcohol (in terms of performance, drunkness and hormone levels). This was ony seen in 10% of the men of non alcoholics fathers. He also noted that Kendler also foun concordance rates of 54% for MZ twins and28% for DZ twins.


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