Act one Inspector Calls

  • Created by: lozwilko
  • Created on: 21-04-18 21:11

Act One (pages 10-13)

1. JB Priestley initially describes the light in the room as "pink and intimate". When the Inspector arrives he states it should be "brighter and harder". Why might he have chosen to change the lighting in this way ?

-I think he changed the lighting in the scene to create a suspence in the atmosphere when the inspector arrives 

-Ironic that Mr Birling asks for "light"

-light = truth, knowledge, exposure, clarity 

-severity, rivalry and tension

-adjective "pink" soft, light hearted and love of the family

-adjective "intimate" suggests a closeness to the family, unity 

2. How does Eric react when Gerald jokes that the Inspector is there to visit him? Why do you think Priestley chose to present hime in this way?

-The adjectives "uneasy" and "sharply" show that Eric


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