Acquisition of the Cental Duchies

  • Created by: Abigail
  • Created on: 18-10-13 10:27
  • Cavour was persuaded by Victor Emmanuel to come back as Prime Minister 21st January 1860
  • there was quickly a negotiation with Napoleon that said:
    - Piedmont would give Nice and Savoy to France
    - Piedmont would allow Piedmontese annexation of the central duchies as long as it was accompanied with plebiscites (a voting system)

Acquisition of Tuscany, Modena, Parma and Romagna;

  • in a way, the annexation process of central duchies was practically iminent. Ricasoli was the new leader in charge of Tuscany following the flee of Grand Dule Leopold
  • although Lombardy was given to France…


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