Acids and bases

  • Created by: Muminah
  • Created on: 27-05-19 23:19

Acids and bases

-The lower the Ph of a solution, the more acidic it is.

-you can measure this **** with a universal indicator and it changes colour.

Acids and bases neutralise each other.

when acids dissolve in water, they form solutions with a Ph of less than 7.

-Alkalis form OH- ions in water. For example, soluble metal hydroxides are alkalis.

acid + base = salt + water

H+(aq) + OH- (aq) = H2O

Reactions of acids

-metal oxides and metal hydroxides are bases.

-they react with acids in neutralisation reactions to form a salt and water.

-HCL reacts to form chlorides, H2SO4 reacts to form sulfates and HNO3 reacts to form nitrates.

(2HCL) hydrochloric acid + (CuO) copper oxide = (CuCL2) copper chloride + (H2O)water

(H2SO4) sulfuric acid + (2KOH) = (K2SO4) + (2H2O)

(HNO3) nitric acid + (NaOH) sodium hydroxide = (NaNO3) sodium nitrate + (H2O) water

-acids and metal carbonates produce carbon dioxide

(2HCL) hydrochloric acid + (Na2CO3) = (2NaCL) sodium chloride + (H2O)water + (CO2)carbon dioxide

(H2SO4) sulfuric acid + (CaCO3) = (CaSO4) calcium sulfate + water + carbon dioxide

Soluble salts can be made using an insoluble base

1) Pick the acid that contains the same negative ion as the salt you want to make.

2)Pick an insoluble base with the same positive ion as the salt you want to make.

3)To make copper chloride, you'd choose copper oxide, copper


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