
Daniel B. Hartwig


What is a VPN and why is it needed?

There is a lot of talk about VPN: sometimes they are going to ban it, sometimes they recommend using it. In this article, we will talk about what a VPN is and why you need it.

VPN is relevant now more than ever. Even in home routers, not just VPN servers began to appear, but also with hardware-accelerated encryption. What is a VPN and why is it needed at all? Let's try to explain this in simple terms.

Before that, I will tell you about one vpn add on firefox solution, with which you can open any sites.

What is a VPN?

Somehow it happened that even in the textbooks they do not give an extended and deep definition of what it is, VPN. Like, and so everything is clear: the abbreviation VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, that is, a virtual private network. And why even discuss something? What a “network” is is clear: at a primitive level, it is an association of two or more nodes by some kind of connection so that they can exchange information. Naturally, in the most convenient way and with the support of all necessary services.

What "private" is is also seemingly obvious - not public, and therefore private. That is, one in which there is not just anyone, but only allowed nodes. If you dig a little deeper, then it is this VPN component that is the most important, since it defines a number of requirements for this very “particular”.

Firstly, it is necessary to somehow mark the participants in this network and the information that they exchange so that it does not mix with someone else's. Secondly, it is definitely useful to protect this information from prying eyes. Well, at least encrypt, which again imposes the next circle of restrictions related to the strength of this encryption.

Thirdly, it is necessary to maintain the integrity of this method of transmitting information - not letting outsiders into a private network, checking the source of transmitted messages and making sure that information does not leak anywhere in the “naked form”. In general, everything is like at private parties with the powerful of this world: they make noise all over the district, and it is not clear who and what is doing there. And severe security at the entrance and exit suits not only face-, but also other places of control.

With the concept of "virtual" everything is a little simpler. It just means that such a network is abstracted from the physical component - it doesn’t matter for which and how many communication channels it is laid, since it works transparently for the participants in this network. Or, on the other hand, the physical network most often simply does not belong to the virtual user.

For example, in serious organizations, when connecting a work laptop to any wired or wireless networks outside the walls of this very organization, they are required to immediately use a VPN connection to the office network. At the same time, it does not matter through which jungle this connection will be established, but there is no doubt that it will go through public, foreign communication networks. It is customary to call such a connection a tunnel, later we will meet this term more than once.



As a journalist, I can say that the VPN and the Proxy are very important tools. I usually write articles about the economic states of the world, so I usually have to enter news websites from different countries. I use the 4g mobile proxy in such cases because some websites are blocked for people with IPs from other countries. It is why it is a handy tool for any journalist because it gives him a wider vision of a situation with different opinions from different countries so that the article can be more interesting.