A2 British state and people

  • Created by: hibaq8
  • Created on: 16-05-16 19:49

Salisbury's ministry:

  • 1892 Free Elementary education was introduced for the first time, with fees for children attending board schools abolished.
  • 1888 Allotment Act made land available for rural labourers and relieved tenants of paying to landowners.
  • 1890 Housing of the Working classes Act granted councils power to close insanitary dwellings and replace them with council-built hiyses.
  • 1890 Factory Act- children under 11 years was not allowed and women had working hours uo to 12.
  • Almost 50% of the labouring classes earned 75% a week.
  • 1886- mobs smashed shop windows and set fire to cabs and carriages in West London.
  • 1889- Lond dockers came out on strike and public support for their demand for a…


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