  • Created by: Tasha24_x
  • Created on: 31-12-19 11:41

A1 - the role of speech, communication and language in children's development

How verbal and non-verbal communication is used to support children:

  • eye contact 
  • gesture 
  • active listening 
  • body language
  • shows understanding if used
  • shows meaning if they dont understand

How children understand language through the stages of acquisition

  • pre-linguistic - learn the rules of communication, tune into sounds, babbling increases, meanings are learnt
  • linguistic - use words that have meaning, single words are gradually replaced, most are fairly fluent at 4 years old

How higher order language skills are developed:

  • phonology - study of speech sounds (phonemes)
  • semantics - understanding the meanings of words
  • syntax - understanding the grammar of language
  • putting it all together - receptive vs expressive language

Links to emotional and social development:

  • strongs attachments promote babbling/ talking as they are happy and comfortable
  • need to feel listened to - smiling etc
  • behaviour changes when they start talking - less impulsive/frustrated
  • reading body language means they are more accepted into social situations

Links to cognitive development:

  • helps them process information and is linked to recall and memory
  • need to speak in order to read - link between spoken sounds and written symbols
  • good vocab and understanding of words means they percieve things in more detail

Impact of theories on developing children's speech, communication and language development:

  • bruner - role of adults/parents, language acquisition support system, three modes of representation (symbolic,


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