A) The influence of religious experience on religious practice & faith


1. Intro

  • In 1969 Alister Hardy set up a religious experience (RE) research unit in Oxford to examine the extent and nature of REs
  • The sheer depth and breadth soon became clear
  • Many people develop their (or others) faith through REs
  • Wide range of REs e.g. conversions, mysticism etc.
  • REs can be directly/ indirectly by God or by gaining an insight of the divine (noetic)
  • Through revelation, the divine becomes known to humanity e.g. in Judaism when God revealed the law to Moses on Mt. Sinai

2. Value for community- promotion of faith value systems

  • REs can be the source of revealing ethical standards, i.e. Moses as 'lawgiver of Israel' among the Jews
  • 10 commandments provide explicit moral guidance and govern believer's behaviour
  • E.g. 'Do not kill' is an ethical/ societal law. Promotes positive values

3. Value for community- affirming of belief systems

  • Key founding figure of a religion…


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