A Christmas Carol - redemption


Scrooge's redemption is a key part of the novel. All through the novel there are hints that Scrooge will be redeemed. It is the change in Scrooge's behaviour that causes him to achieve redemption, as he learns the value of empathy, family and kindness. An important part of Scrooge's redemption is that he isn't forced to change, rather the spirits are only there to guide and help him, which highlights that we ourselves have to choose to change and only by doing that does Scrooge receive redemption.


"It's enough for a man to understand his own business, and not to interfere with other people's" - Scrooge at the beginning doesn't care for others

"Dragging a heavy chain"

"I wear the chain I forced in life" 

Marley was a bad person in life and was never redeemed so is now cursed after death.

"You wouldn't believe how the two fellows went at it!" - shows Scrooge once was excited and joyful for Christmas and parties, so could be again

"Father is so much kinder than he used to be, that home's like heaven!" - Scrooge's father's redemption foreshadows his own

"I should have




Thank you very much 



this is great material but i would just like to point out its not 'forced' its 'forged'.

'i wear the chains i forged in life'


