A Christmas Carol

  • Created by: DonaJ2002
  • Created on: 28-01-18 16:37

A Christmas Carol

Context: How Dickens' beliefs reflected in novella+ purpose

Poverty +Industrial Revolution= Lived in crammped conditions villages got overpopulated due to Industrial revolution= Crime, Diseases, Poor housing. Dickens experienced poverty when family went into debt

Religion- Dickens thought to be a good Christian you have to do good deeds (generous, charitable+kind)

Malthusian Theory- Human population will increase but die out as there aren't enough food; Dickens opposed- there are enough if wealthy stop selfishness+ become generous.

Social Status- Shouldn't be a division between upper and lower class- novella focuses on problem faced by poor people + behaviour and attitudes in contrast to the rich. 

Child labour- reflected from his childhood.- Critisises this treatment and poor- suggests wealthy are careless about such issues. Highlights problem to reader to resolve the problem in future.

 Broadcast the message of the tradition of Chritmas (time of peace and good will to everyone no matter social status)- some spend Christmas helping and others adopt the 'Bah Humbug' approach.

Is the novella relavent today?

Time has changed- No more child labour in Britain; in other countries this novella is still relavent and highlight issues for modern readers

Conditions of pay of workers still important- Bob struggling to support family by working for Scrooge however still make the best out of everything- Christmas goose instead of turkey and have a family meal. Message- Time with family and making best of everything relates to every reader.

Structure: Remember- SCAM

Staves- In music verses are known as staves+ Dickens was a fan of music- reflects the title 'Carol'- influenced him. Music staves have 5 lines and A Christmas Carol has 5 staves.

Climax- Scrooge sees his gravestone= accepts to 'mend' his ways+ keen to do so- followed by resolution- puts words into action- he takes responibility of caring for all no matter what social status they're.

Allegory- simple Christian story of redemption (Scrooge represents wealthy- Dickens point- rich= careless+selfish)

Marley's Visit- 'You'll be haunted by 3 spirits'- makes reader and Scrooge know what to expect+ upcoming events more clear

Character Analysis- Scrooge

Protagonist- we follow his journey from a miserable penny pincher to a man who realises his errors and turns into a caring and compassionate person.

1. Metaphorical coldness- 1)'frosty rime on his head,


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