8.3 Qualitative analysis

  • Created by: Navy_Blue
  • Created on: 01-05-20 20:20

8.3 Qualitative analysis

- Qualitative analysis = simple observations, no numerical results eg.: formation of a precipitate, color change


Carbonate test (gas)

Na2CO3 + 2HNO3 --> 2NaNO3 + CO2 + H2O         looking for CO3 2-

  • Add nitric acid to solution tested
  • If bubbles it could be a carbonate
  • To prove that gas produced is = CO2

       -  bubble gas through lime water 

       - lime water will turn cloudy --- CO reacts to form white precipitate (CaCO3)

Sulfate test (precipitate)

BaSO4 is insoluble in H2O / When Ba2+ is added to a solution a precipitate is formed

Ba2+ + SO4 2- --> BaSO4 

Halide test (precipitate)

Ag+  + X- (any halide ion) --> AgX

  • Add AgNO3 to an aq solution of a halide
  • AgCl - white - soluble in dilute NH3   /   AgBr - cream-colored


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