7.1 Getting moving


7.1- getting moving

Joints and movements 


  • Muscles are used to move a joint, normally several per joint.

  • Muscles can only pull not push. So there has to be at least two muscles per joint to move it in both directions.

  • Two muscles working together are known as an antagonistic.

  • a muscle that contract to cause the leg to extend (A) is known as an extensor. A muscle that causes the joint to bend (B) is called the flexor.


Joint Structure


  • The hip, knee and ankle joints are known as synovial joints, the bones that move are separated by synovial fluid.

  • The bones in a synovial joint are held in place by ligaments that control the amount of movement.

  • Tendons join the muscle a bone and alow the muscle to power the movement.

  • Cartilage protects the bone.



  • Muscles are made of bundles of muscle fibres, each fibre is a muscle tissue.

  • They are several cm long and have multiple nuclei - multinucleate. This is because one nucleus could not control the metabolism of such a long cell. They are formed in prenatel development when several cells fuse together.




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