4.7 The Nervous System


The Nervous System

The mammalian nervous system is divided into 2:

  • CNS - coordinates and controls activity of the animal
  • peripheral NS - (nerves and ganglia) forms connecting link between organs and CNS

body function and actions involve the reflex arc which involves both

Nervous System:

  • receptors detect infromation from insdie and outside the body
  • role of the CNS (brain adn spinal cord) to proces infromation and initiate a response
  • effectors bring about responses
  • sesnory receptros detect one from of energy and convert it inot chemical energy - act as transducers
  • electrical impulses travel along the nerves
  • some nerves bring informaion to the CNS, others take it away

Different types of receptors:

  • thermoreceptors: detect changes in temperature
  • chemoreceptors: detect changes in chemicals
  • photoreceptors: detect changes in light

Spinal Cord:

  • part of the CNS
  • travels through and protected by the vertebral column where ther peripheral nerves originate from

consists of:

  • grey matter which contains cell bodies therfore containing cell nuclei and no myelin
  • white matter which contains axons and therefore contains myelin
  • sensory fibres of the peripheral system enter the cord via the dorsal routes
  • cell bodies of sensory fibres are found in the dorsal route ganglion which lies alongside the spinal cord
  • motor fibres leave via the dorsal routes


  • relay impulses in or out at any particular point along the cord
  • relay impulses up and down the body…


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