Eukaryotes and prokaryotes

? Eukaryotes and prokaryotes:


All living organisms (things) are made of cells.

Cells are the basic builing block of all living organisms.

Organisms are made up of cells. Most organisms are multicellular and have cells that are specialised to do a particular job. Microscopes are needed to study cells in detail.

2 types of cell can be recognised on the basis of their structure:

1>Eukaryotic cells

2>Prokaryotic cells

Cells can either be eukaryotic or prokaryotic (those are the type main types of cells).

Eukaryotic cells:

Eukaryotic cells - A type of cell that has a nucleus.

Eukaryotic cells are complex and include all animal and plant cells.

Plant and animal cells (eukaryotic cells) contain/have membrane bound organelles such as: cell membrane,cytoplasm and genetic material enclosed in a nucleus.

Eukaryotes are organisms that are made up of eukaryotic cells

Cells of animals, plants and fungi are called eukaryotic cells.


Prokaryotic cells:

Prokaryotic cells - A simple cell that does not have a nucleus - the DNA is free in the cytoplasm.

Prokaryotic cells are smaller and simpler, e.g. bacteria (see next page).

Cells of bacteria are called prokaryotic cells.

Bacterial cells (prokaryotic cells) are much smaller in comparison. They have cytoplasm and a cell membrane surrounded by a cell wall. The genetic material is not enclosed in a nucleus. It is a


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