1.6 Enzymes


1.6 Enzymes

Biological Catalysts

  • Speed up chemical reactions, such as metabolic reactions, at a cellular level (respiration) and for an organism as a whole (digestion).
  • Can affect the structures in an organism (Collagen).
  • Enzyme action can be extracellular (outside cells) or intracellular (within cells)
  • Enzymes are proteins.
  • Have active site with a specific shape determined by it's tertiary structure.
  • Active site is part of the enzyme where the substrate binds to form an enzyme-substrate complex.

How Enzymes speed up reactions

  • Activation Energy = Minimum energy required to start a reaction - energy often supplied as heat.
  • Enzymes lower activation energy, so reactions can happen at a lower temperature, so rate of reaction is faster.
  • Enzyme substrate complex lowers the activation enrgy by:
  • 1. If molecules need to be joined, the enzyme holds substrates together


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