14.5 Coordinated responses

  • Created by: aray01
  • Created on: 02-11-17 22:35

Fight or flight response: The triggering of a series of physical responses, including the release of adrenaline, in response to a potentially dangerous situation.

1) autonmoic nervous system detects a threat

2) Hympothalymus stimulates sympathetic nervous system and adrenal-corticoid sytem in response. 
> Adrenal-corticoid system initiates body reactions by secreting hormones into the bloodstream.
> Sympathetic nervous system does it through neuronal pathways.
>Adrenal-corticoid system is stimulated in one of three ways, but only 2 in the spec:
a) Adrenal medulla is stimulated by action potentials from sympathetic nervous system to secrete adrenaline
b) Adrenal glands stimulated by reception of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTP) from the pituitary glands to secrete a number of longer-lasting stress hormones.

Physical responses of the fight or flight response + their purpose:

Increase in heart rate / pump more oxygenated blood to muscles and brain

Pupils dilate / take…


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