World War 1 and Russia's involvement

  • Created by: Ryan62835
  • Created on: 15-10-18 14:45

War Effort Notes

  • Popular + sported by anti - German sentiment.
  • Lots of people wanted to join the army, 12 million men signed up. 
  • Battle of Tonnonburg in 1914, 3100 killed, lots of death / Masurian Lakes defeat which resulted in less sign up and dampered Russian Mural as they realised it wouldn't be a short defeat. 
  • disurgent popular
  • They were forced to rely on dead soldiers weapons and many had no proper weapons or clothing. 
  • In September 1915, the Tsar became Commander and Chief of the army and navy which was meant to raise morel and spirit. However, the Tsar had no military experience and it went downhill from there. 
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War Effort Notes continued

  • 2 rifles for every 3 soldiers, some were limited to 2-3 shells a day. 
  • Lost many experienced soldiers. 

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Political Notes

  • Duma dissolved themselves when the war was announced in order for Russia to focus on winning but due to losses in the war, they demanded to be reinstated in 1915.
  • Zemgors were formed and made up of local councillors in order to offer Tsar advice. 
  • Progressive Bloc demanded Tsar change ministers and wanted to make a constiituation monarchy 
  • Tsar became Commander and Chief but lost support and put Alexander (his wife) in control of the country but was influenced heavily by Rasputin which led to the affair rumours.
  •  Rasputin meddled in government and appointments of people.
  • 4 Prime Ministers and 3 Foreign Secretaries.
  • Rasputin = Political Leapfrogging 
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Economic Notes

  • Massive inflation 
  • Trade was forced to stop due to loss of land
  • Lack of transport
  • Money was worthless in 1917
  • Increased Tax 
  • Raised loans from other countries 
  • factories = unemployment high - if they were not producing war materials then they were shut down.
  • Loss of land brought.
  • The railroad collapsed resulting in loads of lost jobs and transport, supplies being put to a standstill 
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Social state Notes

  • Increased taxes led to outrage from the people of Russia
  • Money worthless in 1917 so prices rose much more than wages did so people couldn't afford basic supplies. In context, wages doubled but the price of food and fuel rose by x4 the usual amount between 1914 - 16.
  • food fell due to the shortage of workers and the collapse of the railroad which led to peasants hoarding food supplies
  • Western Russia was overran by Germans 
  • queues to buy bread and rationing helped for a short while but the situation soon came out of hand
  • Unemployment was high
  • In 1916, Petrograd and Moscow was only receiving 1/3 of the food needed and there was a 300% rise in the cost of living. 
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Timeline of events up to WW1

  • Fundamental Laws - April 1906
  • Emancipation of the serfs - March 1861
  • Rasputin first encounters the Ramanovs - October 1906
  • Bloody Sunday - January 1905 
  • Assassination of Alexander II - March 1881
  • Russo - Japanese War - 1904-1905
  • October Manifest - 1905
  • Start of WW1 = July 1914
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