Working waves- waves

a Wave is a disturbance that propagates through a material medium or space



A wave is a disturbance that propagates through a material medium or space.

in order for a mechanical wave to exists, energy is needed to create a disturbances in a elastic medium.

waves transfer energy without the bulk transport of matter.

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Longitudinal wave + Transverse wave

Longitudinal wave

Coils moves left and right + compress and expand

is the displacement of particles in a medium that is parallel to the direction of the wave propagation.

Transverse wave

Coils move up and down

is the displacement of particles in a medium that is perpendicular to the direction of the wave propagation.

  • Energy is perpendicular to the direction of motion
  • Moving photon creates electrical magnetic field
  • light has both electric and magnetic fields at right angles
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Waves and charateristics part 1


the maximum displacement of a particle of the medium from the rest or equilibrium position.

Amplitude is denoted by A and measured in the unit lengths.

the amplitude of the wave is measured from the peak to the mid point.


the phase is related to the position and motion of the particles of the medium

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Waves and charateristics part 2


the shortest time interval during which the motion of the wave repeats itself.

Denoted by T and measured in units of time,


is the speed of the wave

the speed of a wave depends on the properties of the medium through whcih t is travelling.


is the number of complete vibrations per unit time.

denoted by F and is measured in units of Hz

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