Woman In Black Character Bank

  • Created by: caitlin
  • Created on: 12-05-16 20:32


  • "The pony was a shabby looking creature"
  • "the driver with a large cap pulled down low over his brow, and a long hairy brown coat, looked not unlike it"
  • "for answer, he simply pulled on the ponys reign"
  • "the speechless Keckwick and shabby brown pony I felt quite alone"
  • "I wouldn't have left you over night" "wouldn't have done that to you"
  • "covered in lumps ad bumps warts and... the skin was so poridgy in texture and a dark livid red"
  • "the only living contact" with Mrs Drablow
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Arthur Kipps

  • "spirits have for many years been affected by the ways of the weather" C1
  • he uses "the very last of [his] strength" to finish the story
  • "Enough." is the very last word/sentenc in the novella
  • "I had always known in my heart that the experience would never leave me, that it was now woven into my very fibres and an inextricable part of my past"
  • "terrible wasting disease" is how he describes the WIB appearance and says she is  "a lonely old woman"
  • now he "clung to the prosaic, the visible and tangible." his ghost story ahead was one of "mortal dread"
  • at the start he is a "sturdy, commensensical young fellow" with a "blithe spirit" and a "school boys passion" for steam engines
  • yet makes rash judgements "in [his] youthful and priggish way, summed up and all but dismissed [Samuel Daily]
  • "I did not believe in ghosts... whatever stories I had heard of them I had... dismissed as nothing more than stories."
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Arthur Kipps

  • revisits the present "still in a state of innocence"
  • but warns that "innocence, once lost, is lost forever"
  • at his first visit to Eel Marsh House, "I simply sat looking around me in amazement" and he "began to specualte living here and romanticise a little about how it would be for Stella and me."
  • drawn by curiosity "I wanted to drink in all the silence, and the mysterioud shimmering beauty"
  • on seeing the WIB he's "gripped and held fast by such dread and horror and apprhensin of evil"
  • he states "I did not believe in ghosts" in the past tense "or rather until this day, I did not"
  • becomes so fearful he "trembles" at the noise
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Samuel Daily

  • Introduced as a "big man with a beefy face and huge raw looking hands"
  • He is "well spoken"
  • Arthur at first " in my youthful and priggish way... dismissed him"
  • Daily says "you're a fool if you go" to Eel Marsh House
  • then gives Kips his dog "Take her" and "bring her back to me when you are done"
  • Arthur says "he could surely not be disliked, he was so simple, so direct, so unashamed of his ambitions"
  • Daily apears like a saviour "I found myself lying... with the large, red, concernng face of Mr Samuel Daily looming over me"
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Mrs Daily

  • she "was a quiet, shy seeming, powdery-looking little woman"
  • "she said little, smiled nervousy"
  • "Mrs Dailyhad retired..." before the men could talk about their buisness
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Esme and Children

  • Arthur is provoked by their ghost stories on Christmas Eve, "This was a sport, a high spirited harmless game ammong young people"
  • "there was nothing to torment and trouble me, nothing of which i could possibly disapprove"
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The Woman in Black

  • At first Arthur believes she is a friend of Mrs Drablows, who was "only a short time away from her own death , should drag herself to the funeral of another"
  • "Her appearance ... was so pathetically wasted, so pale and gaunt with disease"
  • "she was extremely pale, even more by the contrast with the blackness of her garments"
  • she is hiding at first when she is seen "in the shadows of the church"
  • she is described as "very erec and still"
  • J is unhappy about the adoption of her son "He is mine,. Why should I not have what is mine? He shall not go to strangers. I shall kill us before I let him go"
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The Woman in Black

  • Daily describes her as "mad with grief and mad with anger and a desire for revenge"
  • this was because she had blamed her sister for letting them out that day "though it was no ones fault the mist comes without warning"
  • Kipps prays that no child will die recurring his sighting " the chain is brken- that her power  is at an end- hat she was gone- and I was the last to ever see her" foreboding
  • she died of "heart failure" or a broken heart?
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Mr Jerome

  • his appearance like "shuttered expression"
  • fear is central to "Mr Jerome is afraid" chapter, 
  • He repeats "I'm afraid I can't offer you help, Mr Kipps. Oh no"
  • fear seen in his physicality "his hands ... were working, rubbing, fidgeting, gripping and ungripping in agitation"
  • when pressed Mr Jerome was vague 'tired. "these are stories," he said'
  • described as "particularly small"
  • "large eyes protrude and are the colour of gulls' eggs"
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Mr Bentley

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Stella, Tomes and Alice Drablow

  • 'Tomes' is another word for large books 
  • Stella was referred to as an incentive "my main sensation was one of tedium... combined with a desire to finsih the job and be back in London with Stella."
  • Alice Drablow, whose funeral Kippps attendd and who is blamed for the death of Jennet Hunfryes son
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