Why was there so little change in medicine in the Middle Ages?



  • Major influence on people's ideas about what caused disease
  • Bible says God controlled all-including disease
  • Can't challenge the Bible or you would go to hell
  • The Church supported Galen-to argue with Galen was to argue with the Church
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  • The Church controlled education and the training of physicians
  • There were few physicians in England because training was 7 years and few could afford the cost
  • Main part of training was reading the books of Hippocrates and Galen
  • Doctors weren't encouraged to think for themselves
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  • Great respect for traditional ideas
  • People wanted everything kept as it was
  • What happened to one man was a warning to everyone else
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  • Little money was spent on medical research
  • Major tasks of the king where to defend the country in war and keep the country peaceful
  • Kings did order towns to be cleaned but not regularly and they didn't pay for it
  • No taxes were collected to improve people's health
  • No money was spent to find medical breakthrough's
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  • No individual made a significant medical breathrough because of the limited education
  • Doctors didn't believe they were right just because they were taught to, there were other reasons- people's symptoms seemed to support their beliefs and the ideas were logical and reassuring.
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Thank you! This gives all of the points for one of the GCSE questions.

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